Men’s Discipleship Morning

Saturday 16th November 2019

“Servant Leadership”

We gathered together men from 11 different churches at SEND EC yesterday morning, to be refreshed and recharged around God’s word.  Our speaker was Alun, a member of a Church in Twickenham and Headteacher of a boys school in London.


Vision for the day

Our subject was “Servant Leadership” and our goal was to hear what it means to be a servant leader, and how it is lived out as a disciple of Jesus today in a Post-Christian society.  We are all called to be leaders in some capacity – in the home, at work, in the church and in the world at large. But what is the character of leadership and what does the Bible say to us about it?


9.00am            SESSION 1

9.10am            WORSHIP – it was great to have SSoR (Sunday school of Rock, our Church Youth Band) with us.


9.45am            MINISTRY 1 – Ephesians 4

How we are to be a man of God in Church

·         There are no passengers in Church. We all have to engage.

·         Need to go to be refreshed by God’s Word. To be equipped to do our particular work.

·         If we are to be men of God, we have to put ourselves in Church, with other men, to be accountable with them. It has to be the centre of your life. God weighs his Church He doesn’t count it.

·         and How we are to be a man of God in the world

How we are to be a man of God in the world

·         Christian men are in the world but not of the world. We cannot behave the same as other people because we are not the same. We are different - we have learned about the Lord Jesus Christ. We learned about a person not a lesson.

·         Put off old self. We need to kill sin - put it to death. If we don’t kill off our sin, our sin will kill you. Get into the WORD.  (Alun told a story about a chicken)

·         World would call us bigots and out of touch. But actually, we are in the light.

·         We are not secretive about the gospel. If we are in the light, then shine the light. The world is ripe for grace. We need to shine the light.

10.30am          Good Book Company

10.40am          BREAK


11.15am          SESSION 2


11.20am          Testimony - Doug interviewed Jonathan Holbrook

11.45am          MINISTRY 2 – Ephesians 5 & 6

How we are to be a man at home

·         Love- Ch5:25. Never dominate or disrespect our women. Christ never crushed the church. We therefore are never to crush our wives.

·         how did Christ love the Church? He died for the Church. He gave His life for the Church.

·         The primary responsibility to educate children is in the family. Yet they are more influenced by mates, school, social media etc. If we don’t take responsibility then, these other influencers will. Fathers do not abdicate responsibility.

·         As children get older, they need us more.

How we are to be a man at work

·         Relationship between state and Church. We are increasingly living in a post-Christian state

·         As much as possible we are to obey our earthy masters. Live as humble, submissive citizens. We are Christians living in the world.

·         We are not to be difficult or awkward. We are to be salt and light, whatever that looks like. We are to stand up and stand out for the Lord Jesus Christ

·         Whilst we live in ungodly days, and aggressively liberal society, Britain is ripe for the gospel.


12.30pm          Q&A – Alun, Paul and Tim

1.30pm            LUNCH!!

FEEDBACK – 30 of the 50 plus men have responded to our post-event survey so far.  Most said half day was great and all said they’d like to do it again.


What was the most meaningful thing today?

  • Being drawn back to God’s word and His desires for us as His sons.

  • How to be a Christian man in all aspects of life

  • Fellowship with the brothers and ministry of the word. Also seeing Harry and Ethan in SSoR. And the delight of such a cross range of generations and races in attendance.

  • Solid reminder of the truth of the Bible. My role has a man. The hope that we have.

  • Meeting my fellow men, not for the sake of anything else but in Jesus Christ , His one body,blessed me a lot

A thank you to everyone who helped organise and take part in the day, to our speaker, and to SSoR for giving up their time to lead the Worship.