God answering prayers

We have a faithful prayer warrior in Hook Church. She knows, as a Christian in her 80s, that this is the role God that has for her. Her name is Pauline.

A few weeks ago, Pauline arrived at a ladies Bible study group declaring with great excitement that that morning she had met with God. She had been sorting a cupboard out, and had dropped her radiator key in an inaccessible corner of the cupboard. Her immediate response was to call out to God to help in prayer.  It was then, shortly after her prayer, that she had a knock at the door! A man from the congregation had arrived to give her a lift her to the Bible study group. He was only too happy to burrow around in the cupboard and retrieve the radiator key. Pauline saw this as God answering her prayer.

As God is faithful, in showing His love to us, and in providing for us in the details of our lives, we know we can trust Him with the bigger prayers which we are also praying. 

Pauline has only been a Christian for 1 year, and is looking forward to being Baptised later this year. We praise God for bringing Pauline into His kingdom, and having such a valuable praying role for her.