Stuart Whayman - Elder - worship, teaching and training

Stuart has been a Christian since his teenage years in Suffolk when he was impacted by the arguments for the truth of the Good News of Jesus, combined with the example of the faith of older Christians.  He is passionate that the Bible is as relevant as ever in the stresses and strains of the 21st Century.  He would love that more people would stop and consider it with an open mind.  He also enjoys music and plays clarinet in the music group on a Sunday.

During the week he works in international business spending far too much time in airports.  He has a wife, also a Suffolk exile, two teenage daughters and a dog.  He enjoys watching cricket, football and the NFL.  The teams he support continue to teach him humility, patience and finding pleasure in little things.  His other interests are eclectic, including Italy, running, old maps, popular science, cultural trends and board games.